Monday, September 19, 2011

a change of heart?

many years ago i was introduced to the sport of hunting. there was nothing like getting up early and retreating into the african bush with a rifle and accompanied by a experienced tracker. starting out at sunrise, in the crisp winter air ,walking slowly looking for prey.
for those of you that are having a heart attack at the thought of such barbarity ........all i shot i ate .
the main aim of the hunt were impala, warthog and if they presented themselves ,kudu.

 this photo was taken in the kruger park.... so this one lives....unless a lion got him or he died of old age.

the meat is tender and can be turned into a most delicious venison roast and  superb biltong.
now ,now you anti hunters stop licking your lips at the thought.
as per my previous discussion i spent the week-end away in the bush. fortunately or un  i had no rifle and it was a reserve..... so no hunting.
i must now confess that that did not deter me.

                     sunrise sunset???

at six in the morning i was up with the birds, dressed and ready to shoot.
i checked my equipment and loaded for bear i set was a lovely quiet time of the morning.the sun coming over the hills, the sound of birds and not a breeze.(she was still sleeping) perfect for hunting.
the first thing to look for was spoor.

                          he went that way------>

slowly i followed revelling in the hunt, loving the solitude and appreciating the beauty surrounding me.

                   big enough to shoot.

suddenly i heard am impala ram snort in warning ...i froze.... started forward slowly. still no breeze.( sleeping?)
then i saw them about 150 metres away. a small herd of zebra and impala. the grass being a bit long i had to settle for a zebra.i aimed, focussed and shot.

                      it too still lives

so the change of heart, my rifle for a camera. will it last? i don't know..... will i still eat biltong and venison ? yip!
 did i enjoy the hunt ? very much.
i will definitely do it that way as much as possible.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

here's mud in your eye

last weekend my breeze, her son shaun, charlotte and i spent went to a 'spa'  named thangami. a little resort in the  hills of zululand, rich with history. where once the great king shaka had his royal hunting grounds and also  enjoyed bathing in the hot water springs. found in the valley near the river is, a tranquil, quiet, mineral mud pool.
i wonder if king shaka knew about the 36 different minerals it contained, or if he cared?

for those of us who are conceited about our looks, or lack thereof.......we care!

so with great excitement we travelled the long and winding road ( a good title for a song) to enjoy all that a few days away in the african bushveld had to offer.
it was the end of august and spring was well on the way. temperature in the high 20's (celsius)........ the day we left.....a cold front came through and  temperatures plummeted to the middle teens. but we were not  daunted and the great trek was on.

 arriving at the idyllic resort  dressed for an artic winter but  ready to brave anything for the sake of vanity and relaxation. off came the layers of clothing and on with the swimming gear. the consensus was, mud first and then clean, warm spring water.

a useless fact.. the mud pool is about 2 kilometres deep , but the thick mud keeps one from the long drop.

after a stroll down the hill we came upon the crisp unclear pool. who was to be first to brave this magical pool of youth???
well i had to take the photos so not me!

that would be shaun first...........

where did he go!!?!!

then charlotte!!!

then breeze and the the freezing screamer!!!

look ma no hands!!!

well once in ...we had  to get out and clean. for this, there was a cold water shower. which seemed warm as the temp outside was colder than the water.
have you ever tried to walk around with 10 kilograms of wet mud trying to drag your swimming gear off while trying to keep a towel around you for warmth? i now know what my children felt like with wet and dirty nappies.(diaper s)

the out house next to the out shower.

well after to the hot showers for warm springs.
then clean and warm, we sat and enjoyed the outdoors and a hot fire. i look younger or what!!??!!!