Friday, March 4, 2011

if all else fails........

as the wise say 'if all else fails read the instructions'........i was sitting and spitting and fuming 'why won't this blog page load a visitors counter for me?' and the sleepy voice of didi, the 'blonde' cat of the family answered and asked' have you read the instructions?'...........'huh' says i !!!!!

to introduce this lady of the house. she is a cat that is legally blonde and is proud of it.she has on numerous occasions tried to jump through a closed window............... with a bang and then a shake of her head she ambles away as if to say" i wanted to do that". she has a beautiful heart and a purr that is the loudest i have ever heard and is the most gentle,loving cat it has been my pleasure to meet.she can smell milk from a hundred yards away and knows when meat is being cut as she is the first one there and gets the choice is the blond one ?????????? 

to answer the question i look in the magic mirror and receive the answer...'you of course'..............'why' you may ask........i took the valued advice and read the instructions and found a window attached to my blog that says in large letters 'stats'...and is just that..stats of how many of you are out there and which part of the world you enter the realm of blog from.

so thank you my wise ,sleepy friend who looks at me as if to say' who's the blond one now!'

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